80,000+ members, 138 countries

Thousands of people have transformed their relationship with alcohol using OYNB. Read about their journeys below!

No more grumpy Dad in the mornings – Eduardo Blanco

No more grumpy Dad in the mornings – Eduardo Blanco

Switching to AF gave me the opportunity to demonstrate that we can celebrate without alcohol. Originally, I am from Venezuela where the culture is to drink alcohol for any situation or celebration. I grow up seeing my dad ingesting large quantities of alcohol and be...

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An investment in my own wellbeing – Roxanne

An investment in my own wellbeing – Roxanne

Once you stop drinking and start to move on, you can begin personal growth in your life. You can now think ‘What else can I do whilst alcohol-free?’ It opens up new possibilities.  July 3rd 2020 at 5’o clock in the morning, I was still at work and drinking wine....

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I feel empowered – Trisha Fox

I feel empowered – Trisha Fox

I like myself, and feel I deserve a life *without* alcohol! I’d been a heavy drinker since my forties, when I was working in marketing communications. I did quite a few alcohol-free bouts, and they always ended with: “I deserve a bottle of nice winel.” That bottle...

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273 days into my alcohol-free challenge –  Nigel Jones

273 days into my alcohol-free challenge – Nigel Jones

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference The funny thing about this whole escapade is that I did not consider myself to have a drink problem, when I was part of the ‘drinking tribe’ – probably one of...

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Everything about OYNB made sense to me – Teresa Fowler

Everything about OYNB made sense to me – Teresa Fowler

To know they are proud of the changes I’ve made is the best feeling in the world. I woke up on the morning of June 28th, 2020 to a video my son, Matthew, had sent me. I had been drunk to the point of blacking out the night before, which had been becoming more and more...

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I feel like I have a superpower! – Shannon Johnson

I feel like I have a superpower! – Shannon Johnson

I have invested in my own personal growth and the payoffs keep rolling in. Here’s the thing… I got into the habit of thinking that life was more fun with a drink, that drinking is a valid way to celebrate a win. Habits are funny things, doing things the way you have...

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The year I stopped dialling 9-wine-wine – Nikki Potter

The year I stopped dialling 9-wine-wine – Nikki Potter

There are so many benefits and I smile to myself because new ones are still emerging every day. I loved wine. No matter when I called her, she always answered. She thrived on being there for me. It’s just a shame we didn’t have the same level of mutual respect. I...

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I really like the person I have become – Kate Pearson

I really like the person I have become – Kate Pearson

You’ll still find me on the dance floor, playing beer pong and singing at the top of my lungs. I joined OYNB because I had stopped enjoying the aftermath of drinking alcohol. The hangovers and the anxiety after drinking just started to getting worse. I got to a stage...

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