Quit Drinking And Learn To Relax

Quit drinking and become much more relaxed – this may sound like an impossible ‘task’. After all, one of people’s top reasons for having an alcoholic drink in the first place is to help them calm down and unwind after a hard day at the office or in times of stress.

What our members have discovered is that alcohol does not relieve stress, it numbs it for a while, but you get it back ten fold the next day, when the hangover and anxiety kick’s in. 

If you’re looking at how to stop drinking, it’s worth making a list of ways to cope with the everyday strains of modern life without the knee jerk pint or glass of wine. Thousands of our most stressed members have now discovered it was alcohol that was causing their stress in the first place. So the trick to a less stressful life is to quit drinking and learn new ‘alcohol free’ science based methods to destress:

Here are three to start you off you will discover many more within the OneYearNoBeer e-book, community and emails.





Get outdoors, breathe some fresh air. If your problems are getting you down and you need to shift your focus, a change of scene often does the trick. You don’t have to do a 10 mile run – a gentle walk in the local park is fine! After all, any form of exercise is a well-known stress reliever and there’s the added advantage of giving your body a shot of vitamin D in daylight hours.


It's great therapy for the mind. Pick the song carefully: if you need to calm down, try a gentle slow tune. If you’re feeling tense or angry with your situation, loud rock music can be a great way to let off steam. Even dance a little if no-one’s watching – sober dancing !!


Meditation is another great way to relax and destress when you’re giving up alcohol. Check out the headspace website and app where you can learn all about mediation. Trust us this will really make a difference. 
At OneYearNoBeer we are constantly looking at ways to improve what we do. If you have any tips to unwind when you stop drinking? Please share them on the forums or in the Facebook group and help others just like you who also want to quit drinking!

Good luck on your alcohol free adventures,


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