So much ‘need for alcohol’ is social conditioning which the group has really helped me to undo and reassess.

I joined OYNB as I began to come to the realisation that alcohol did me no favours. It didn't allow me to fully enjoy life or be present for my family. It was also the cause of my anxiety not a way to treat it!

Starting my OYNB challenge

I got started with an introductory special offer for Lockdown (free 28 day challenge) which I got through with 3 blips but kept going at it… and I progressed to 90 days, then 365 days and now beyond!  I hoped to master my anxiety to better support my family through COVID lockdown … including my dad in his eighties who moved in with us for 6 months due to illness (now recovered!)

The alcohol-free benefits

I would like to say I lost weight, but actually I put on weight – in a brilliant way – in the form of my third pregnancy! I don't think I have have had the strength or energy either physically or mentally before going alcohol-free, – my first two pregnancies were 18 and 16 years ago, and incidentally the last times I was alcohol-free.

What's next?

Now that I have given birth, the challenge is to continue this alcohol-free streak throughout breastfeeding and into toddlerhood. This is fundamental to having the best life for me and my family. I am more consciously eating healthy and and get more exercise since my challenge…hoping to develop this in the future but focussing on my little one first!

A mindset shift

My relationship with alcohol is so much better . I see it as a poison and instead I choose to drink alcohol-free alternatives if I want a ‘grown-up’ drink. So much ‘need for alcohol’ is social conditioning which the group has really helped me to undo and reassess.


Start an alcohol-free journey here!


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