“I used to only drink on days the end in “Y”! That was my joke. Looking back on it, that joke is not very funny.

I also used to say, “I never got sick because I drank just enough to ward off all sickness!” The truth is, I was feeling sick every day. One hangover leading into the next. Nothing triggered my stopping. I never thought I would want to stop drinking. I never thought I could be that person. Why would I want to stop? I’d tell myself that drinking is a “lifestyle!”

Before OYNB

before quitting alcoholI’m a single mother and business owner. I’ve been called a ‘serial entrepreneur’ because I’ve started 4 companies. Three of them failed, but one of them stuck. I have made loads of money, and lost loads of money. I have been to the 10th circuit court of appeals… twice. I was in front of a court room of judges and attorneys with a supreme court worthy case. I can’t make this stuff up!

I’ve always owned my own company. I never felt like I was positively contributing to my community, plugging away making for myself, my daughter, and others. In this way, I always defied my intuition. Both good and bad business decisions that I made were influenced by alcohol. To be fair, every decision I made included alcohol. 

The turning point

At the beginning of this year, I found myself weighing in at over 200lbs. I would awake at 3:00 a.m., full of anxiety and feelings of depression. Even physically, my face was always blotchy and breaking out. I was drinking upwards of two wine bottles wine every night. My marriage was failing. My relationship with my daughter was in turmoil. The only way I held down a job is because I was self-employed. So, at the beginning of the year, I started to have a conversation with myself that went something like this; “Self, you need to get a hold of yourself…!  IMMEDIATELY! Before something else gets a hold of you!”  

Finding OYNB

After quitting alcoholThat’s when One Year No Beer came into my life. I’d scrolled and read others OYNB member’s testimonials on the Facebook page and website. I promptly became sober curious. I wanted what they were having! Then, I joined OYNB. It took me a while to quit drinking but, eventually, I did. 

I started with the OYNB 28-Day Challenge but, I felt like that wasn’t enough. I wanted more of what OYNB had to offer. So, I upgraded to a 90-day challenge!

My alcohol-free benefits

I joined OYNB 108 days ago. Today, I have remained alcohol free 108 Days! Since January, I’ve lost 42 lbs, my skin is amazing, I can feel my energy levels are way up and I have so much free ‘rent space’ in my brain! I’m also starting a whole 2nd career as a teacher. I’m going back to college, this time to earn a second master’s degree in education! I’ve accepted a job as a 1st Grade Teacher so I’m moving for the winter, from my hometown in Colorado to a small town in Colorado.

People will think I’m mad. Truly! ME! I can’t believe it. I GET to give back! I honestly have to say this decision could have never presented itself 108 days ago. But…I QUIT DRINKING… Meet Ms. McD! Your new 1st grade teacher!

If it weren’t for the team at OYNB and OYNB support, there’s absolutely NO way I could have done ANY of this. I could not do it alone. Thank you OYNB for my new life. I’m just getting warmed-up! 


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