‘During the 90-day challenge, I rediscovered running and also the mental benefits that go with it. Now, every Sunday morning, I run 10km and I love it'. – OYNB Hero

Today I have completed 90 days! Here are my highlights:

I challenged myself socially. One of the highpoints was when I went to a work event and managed to work the room despite knowing nobody. It is a huge achievement in my world.

I cut my really long hair into really short hair. I also donated my hair to a charity that makes wigs for kids undergoing chemo.

I booked a two-week adventure holiday for my family and myself.

I have become ‘really’ fit from ‘fairly’ fit, as my exercise routine went from twice to five – six times per week.

Finally, I “made the call” after the nth email to join a yoga studio (thanks R and A!). I am totally loving hot yoga and finally cracking being able to meditate. Also I have learnt a lot of relaxation techniques. I organised a yoga retreat in Mallorca and went there with 10 friends.

Brooklyn Bridge


During the 90-day challenge, I rediscovered running and also the mental benefits that go with it. Now, every Sunday morning, I run 10km and I love it.

I have started reading books again in the evening for pleasure. Also I am making time in the evening to enjoy the simple things with my kids such as having a bath with them or reading them a story in the bed.

I haven’t had one argument with my husband.

I have discovered that I have plenty of free time in the day to get stuff done, or just relax. Now I love early mornings, and I go on walks with my dogs and my eldest child, who is an early bird. Also early mornings are the best time to attend a yoga class.

I am now sleeping better than I can ever remember in my adult life. The best part is that my anxiety level has come down to zero from high.

I am now happy in the company of my friends and family who socialise with alcohol. I have zero envy seeing them drink.

I am finally totally comfortable and proud in my own 40-year-old body. I seriously can't fathom why I would give up any single one of those listed above in favour of an evening of booze.

Thank you all for your inspiring posts which keeps me going every day, and thank you Ruari and Andy!

Rolling on to 365 days! Xxx

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