Join the OYNB Mission and Help Make the World a Happier, Healthier, and More Fulfilled Place!

It’s not easy to change drinking habits. But with a 95% success rate, OYNB is now a leading alcohol habit-change programme.

OYNB is looking to raise investment for their expansion into other verticals and become the go-to for health, wellness and empower behaviour change.


members in 137 countries

£2.2m revenue

(LTM) & biggest in UK


raised previously from 511 investors


85% growth

in Alcohol-Free Challenge sales (Feb-June 21)

Featured in:

& many more

& many more


It’s an inescapable fact that drinking is part and parcel of most work, social and family gatherings. Despite this acceptability, excess drinking is responsible for 3m deaths per year, 5.1% of all diseases, and costs £52bn to the UK economy alone.

Of 2.4bn worldwide drinkers, we estimate that around 40% do so hazardously.

Via affordable email and video-led challenges, we help customers confront problematic drinking and develop new health and lifestyle habits.

Research with Stirling University revealed that of those completing OYNB challenges, 95% improved their relationship with alcohol and 83% remained alcohol-free.

The majority of revenue is generated via B2C Challenges sold in the form of 28/90/365 day challenges and ongoing subscription offerings. Other revenue comes from courses, coaching events and merch.

The ultimate aim is to become the go-to support platform for health, wellbeing and enabling behaviour change.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, ⅕ of people reported drinking more, while ⅓ cut down or stopped altogether – both groups are opportunities for us.

This funding round seeks to consolidate our growth, improve our technology and app experience and reach a much wider audience.


Launched bespoke web app, achieving >70 NPS score

Launched subscription model to new users

Gross profitability up by 1100% (YoY)

>230k social media followers


A rich and diverse team today, it all began when Ruari Fairbairns, a London-based oil broker, took a break from alcohol and realised how much of life he had been missing out on.

OYNB was soon founded and the rest is history!

The team have been instrumental in developing it to become the UK’s leading habit change programme.

Here are a few key members:

Richard Harris, Chairman

A former career CEO in the enterprise software and telecoms space, Richard was notably a founder of Cognito, which he led from a start up to a £40m sale. Richard also currently holds board roles in health tech, messaging and telecoms security businesses serving global markets.

Ruari Fairbairns, Founder & CEO

Entrepreneur and former senior oil broker. Ruari gave up drinking after excessive consumption almost cost him his life and marriage. The positive impact of going alcohol-free improved his relationships, work success and energy levels, leading him to found OYNB to provide a support network for others.

Mairi McCallum, Head of Growth

Digital product growth expert. Mairi has spent more than a decade managing, directing and growing digital products across a range of leading innovative tech companies. She recently joined OYNB to lead the next stage of digital growth as the platform evolves.

Oyinda Bamgbose, Senior Product Manager

Product and start-up expert, Oyinda has vast experience across e-commerce and B2B Saas and is passionate about building products customers love. She is focused on enhancing the user-experience of the OYNB programmes.

Invest from as little as £10 and help us empower more people to transform their relationship with alcohol.

*Capital at risk



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What are the benefits of becoming an OYNB shareholder?

By becoming a shareholder, you’ll help OYNB grow, as we empower more and more people to transform their relationships with alcohol. Becoming an OYNB shareholder offers a number of benefits, both altruistic and business-savvy:

  • Get in early: Reap the benefits of getting in early, with a business that already has an established customer base, media recognition, and a developed product.
  • Diversify: Portfolio diversification is well known to improve overall performance, and introducing private equity is a powerful way to achieve this. Plus our ability to be nimble and agile means we’re less likely to be affected by macro market shifts.
  • Make a difference: Invest in a business with a huge positive social impact, bringing more good into the world.
  • Know where your money’s going: You’ll know that your money is going directly towards helping us achieve our mission.

If you’re looking for the real impact your money could make, look no further than our TrustPilot reviews. You can watch your investment grow over time, knowing that it helped to make people feel like this:

  • “This has changed my life.” —Peter Connolly
  • “Couldn’t have done this without OYNB.” —Julie Ball
  • “You feel like you’re part of something which is big, beautiful and pushing you beyond the mundane!” —Katie Stileman
  • “OYNB does not make me feel like there is ‘something wrong with me’.” —Marie
  • “If you haven’t joined yet, do it today, it will be the best thing you could and ever will do.” —Mr Jim Parish

You’ll also have the opportunity to benefit financially from the growth in value of the business if we’re successful. As a shareholder, you’ll be helping OYNB take the next step on our journey, and hopefully become a more valuable company—which means your shares become more valuable too. 

As a growing business, we’re focused on reinvesting earnings back into the company to help change how the world thinks about alcohol and increase the company value. For that reason, we don’t expect to be paying dividends to shareholders in the near future. And of course, as with any investment, there are risks when buying shares—more on that below.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding means we can get investment from a large number of people, through a dedicated online portal. Our global community is at the heart of everything we do, so for this funding round we wanted to give everyone a chance to own shares in OYNB and be part of our future.

What is Crowdcube?

Crowdcube is the world’s largest equity crowdfunding platform. It enables the next generation of businesses (those who love pushing boundaries, and challenging the status quo with big ideas and new thinking) to raise finance. For investors, it’s a chance to back businesses they can believe in—those that have a purpose beyond the next customer or sale.

Since 2011, Crowdcube has funded 1,000 businesses, of which 79% are still trading—which just goes to show that crowd investors are quite savvy. Companies that have successfully raised funds with Crowdcube include:

  • BrewDog
  • Camden Town Brewery (acquired by AB INBev)
  • Carwow
  • eCar Club (acquired by Europcar)
  • Feedr (acquired by Compass Group)
  • Freetrade
  • Grind
  • Innis & Gunn
  • JustPark
  • Mindful Chef
  • Monzo
  • Nutmeg
  • Parcel2Go
  • Pod Point (acquired by EDF)
  • Revolut

Crowdcube is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 650205). Read more about how it works here.

Who can invest?

There are a few boxes you’ll need to tick in order to invest. You must be…

  • 18 years old or above
  • Legally entitled to invest
  • A resident of the UK or a country where you can legally receive financial promotions of the nature provided

If you live in the US, Canada or Japan, then unfortunately due to government restrictions on your side, we can’t accept investments from you through Crowdcube. Crowdcube also asks that you don’t create an account with them. But there are other options if you’re a sophisticated or accredited investor, so if you’d like to talk to someone about alternative investment routes, then get in touch at [email protected].

If you’re not sure if you’re legally allowed to invest through Crowdcube in your country, then we recommend you get independent legal advice before creating an account.

What are the main risks of investing in shares?

As with any type of investment, there are risks attached to crowdfunding investments. These are the key risks you should be aware of, especially with growth-focused businesses:

  1. The value of your shares depends on the success of the company. If the company is unsuccessful and decreases in value, the value of your shares also falls. If the company fails completely and goes out of business, you lose all your investment.
  2. Your investment is likely to be illiquid, even if the business succeeds. OYNB is a private company, so shares aren’t traded on a public market and can therefore be difficult to sell and hard to value. That means your investment will be locked in for a long time (often several years), and you won’t be able to withdraw it quickly should you need to—even if it increases in value. The upside is that this prevents other investors from making rash or emotional decisions, allowing your investment to reach its full potential.
  3. Your holding in the business may be diluted. If the company raises more funds at a later date (as startups often do), the equity percentage you hold could decrease relative to what you originally bought. Dilution itself is not a bad thing, but you do need to be aware of the possibility.

To lessen crowdfunding investment risks, many investors put money into a broad portfolio. That way, the risks balance out and even a few successful investments can deliver enough to cover any potential losses.

You can find more detailed information on making an equity investment on the Crowdcube site here.

Does pre-registering commit me to investing?

Not at all. Pre-registering just gives you exclusive access to our private launch, and the opportunity to invest early before the campaign goes public.

When does your crowdfunding campaign go live?

Our private launch is on 27 July 2021 and gives those who pre-register 8 days to invest before the campaign goes live on 5 August.

What is the share price and valuation?

We’re offering Ordinary shares at £4.68 per share, and the pre-money equity valuation is £14 million. If you’d like more information about the valuation, get in touch at [email protected].

How do I invest?

If you think you might want to join the OYNB investor family, then just open an account with Crowdcube once our campaign goes live. It’s free, takes less than 60 seconds, and you’re under no obligation to invest. When you create an account, you’ll be asked to take a short quiz to confirm you understand the risks of investing. And if you do go ahead and invest, Crowdcube handles all the admin and documentation through your account.

What’s the minimum I can invest?

If you’re eligible, you can invest as little as £14.04. Investments have to be exact multiples of our share price, and a minimum of £10. Since our share price is £4.68, the minimum investment is three shares to achieve the £10 threshold. Crowdcube will calculate the investment amount for you.

When will the round close?

The campaign will last for 30 days, or until we reach the target; whichever comes first. If we hit our target sooner, then we’ll give a 24-hour warning before closing the round. There’s a limited amount of equity available, and we expect it to fill quickly so we recommend getting in early!

Will I be able to sell my shares?

Exit options for investors in start-up and growth-stage companies are quite different from the usual buying and selling of shares. At the moment, shares bought in the types of businesses funding on Crowdcube aren’t typically available to trade on a secondary market, which makes your exit options more limited. 

If OYNB continues to grow, there may be opportunities in the future to sell your shares—for instance if we list on a stock exchange. Crowdcube is currently working on a full rollout over the next few months of Cubex, their marketplace for buying and selling shares in Europe’s high-growth businesses—find out more here.

Is my investment eligible for EIS?

EIS is the Enterprise Investment Scheme, a series of tax reliefs designed to encourage investments in small businesses trading in the UK. And yes, investment with us qualifies, offering UK taxpayers:

  • Income Tax Relief of 30% of investment
  • Capital Gains Tax exemption for any profit on shares held under three years
Has COVID-19 impacted OYNB?

The services OYNB offers have never been more in need than during this pandemic. People are certainly drinking differently as a result of coronavirus, repeated lockdowns, and seismic changes to our way of life. In a recent survey conducted by the charity Alcohol Change UK, around one in five people admitted their alcohol consumption has gone up—that could be 8.6 million UK adults. At the other end of the scale, a third have cut down or stopped altogether. Both groups present opportunities for us, and as we develop our product offering and services, we aim to help many more people.

Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital. Please Invest Aware.

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