Transform Your Relationship With Alcohol and Become the Most Productive, Present and Healthiest Version of Yourself!

It takes less than a week to feel the positive impact of going alcohol-free…

And 95% of our members change their relationship with alcohol for good.

Daily Mindset Training  ·  Accountability & Support  ·  Group Coaching  ·  95% Success Rate

As Seen In:

As Seen In:

Begin Your Free 7-Day Trial Today!

“Maybe I’m drinking too much…?”

A lot of people can relate to Sara…

She lives a busy life juggling work and family commitments, and alcohol has always been her method to unwind and relax in the evenings.















“I always rationalised it,” says Sara.

“I convinced myself that it was normal and just what you do. I told myself that I deserved my wine after a long day of parenting and running a business.”

But it was never just one glass…

“It was more like a bottle,” says Sara. “But more often than not, I was waking up cranky, irritable, snapping at my kiddos, losing patience with everyone, and battling a headache.”

Eventually, Sara grew tired of it. “I just woke up one day and said, ‘Enough is enough.’”

So what happened next?

“I knew I needed to change my relationship with alcohol,” says Sara.

“But I needed real strategies and tools to apply to real-life situations. I also wanted to be able to connect with people who were in my situation — the ‘grey area’ AKA ‘every-day-overdoing-it-a-bit drinking’,” she says.

Why? Because Sara already knew what she was going up against…

“We live in a society where it is so difficult to go alcohol-free,” she says. “The mommy-wine culture is rampant, business deals are made over bottles of booze, and alcohol is touted as classy or sophisticated.”

Her AMAZING breakthrough…

That’s exactly when Sara came across One Year No Beer (OYNB). It had everything she was looking for and more, so she signed up and went alcohol-free. And before long, her life completely transformed.













Here’s what Sara has to
say about her experience:

“My sleep is incredibly restful,” she says. “My patience levels are a million times better. My relationship with my kids and husband have dramatically improved. And while I still have some pounds to lose, medically, I’ve been told I’m in the best shape of my life by both traditional and holistic doctors!”

Other major benefits: Sara’s anxiety disappeared, she can now think more clearly, and as a result of this transformation, her career has started to thrive, too.

But guess what the best bit is?

Sara’s results are typical.

She is just one of over 80,000 members worldwide who have decided enough is enough and have taken action to change their relationship with alcohol.

Here’s what our members report back:


Improved Sleep


Much Happier


Reduced Anxiety


More Productive


Lost Weight


Improved Sleep


Much Happier


Reduced Anxiety


Lost Weight


More Productive

*Statistics based on survey conducted with 725 90 Day Challenge members upon completion. 

Not only that, but a huge 95% of them maintain their new relationship with alcohol well beyond working with us.

It’s never just one thing that improves when you take a break from alcohol, it’s a whole life upgrade!

“I no longer wish to spend a single moment doing anything that doesn’t excite me or drive my passion.”

“I had always been aware that I had no ‘off’ switch and could often be the last man standing long after the party had ended but I didn’t class myself as a ‘problematic drinker’… But I’m fitter now than I have been in 20 years. I’ve lost 2.5 stone and had to replace all my large clothes with mediums. My skin is hydrated and clear, and I sleep the most satisfying sleep you could only



“Waking each day feeling energised and ready to tackle whatever the day brings is truly a blessing.”

“I wasn’t happy with my relationship with alcohol. Like many, the pandemic and lockdown hit hard, and it was just too easy to slip into the routine of daily drinking… The biggest benefit has been an overall sense of mindfulness in all aspects of my life. Being present and in the moment with my daughter is such a precious gift. I feel like our relationship has become closer and I’m more aware of her and her needs than I was before when I was constantly tired and feeling sluggish due to drinking.”



“I have time to enjoy life!”



“I was the fun one who loved to party. Yet with passing time I drank more and couldn’t wait to leave work to have my first drink of the day. I always thought I deserved it… Since starting, I’ve lost 22 pounds, my blood pressure is down, I’m calmer, and have time to enjoy life more!”




The amazing thing is, no matter who they are or where they’re from, it’s never the alcohol they have in common.

No — instead what they share is a burning desire to be in the driving seat of their lives, rather than let alcohol dictate the journey by affecting how they feel, what they spend their time and money on, and what they have to sacrifice in the process.

These people are your regular guys and girls, who like a drink to socialise, to unwind, to celebrate, to have a good time…

But they all found that alcohol actually got in the way of their lives.

They weren’t ‘problematic drinkers’, but came to a realisation that alcohol was ruining the way they felt, impacting how they looked, affecting their thoughts, and cutting away at their bank balance…

Alcohol had been dominating their lives and for so long they didn’t even realise.

Ever been in a similar situation?

You know, where you’re searching for answers, but they’re right there in front of you the entire time?

This is why they and so many others have all come to OYNB.

To get expert support and guidance to remove the barrier that alcohol has put up in a positive, supportive, long-lasting way.


Here’s What Happens To Your Body Once You Stop Drinking Alcohol:

By 24 Hours: The clear out begins! Alcohol gets drained from your system and soon enough your blood sugar starts to normalise…

By 3 Days: The worst is over! All alcohol should now be completely flushed out of your body, and any hangover side effects should have long worn off…

By 1 Week: Deeper, more regular sleep patterns start to kick in, along with an increase in both your physical and mental energy. Your skin also begins to clear up as hydration returns…

By 2 Weeks: Your stomach lining returns to normal, as well as continued sleep and hydration improvements, and maybe even a noticeable drop in weight…

By 1 Month: Continuation of all of the above, with a reduced risk of stroke and heart problems, better kidney health, a reduction in liver fat, stabilised glucose levels, improved vision and so much more…

(Not to mention money you’ve saved!)

The first 72 hours are crucial — watch the video above to see what happens!

The benefits of going alcohol-free compound over time.

The longer the streak, the bigger, more impactful and longer lasting the benefits are.

“I am in control, I am accountable.”

“I didn’t find the challenge particularly difficult as the benefits were apparent very quickly and I wanted to keep building on what I had achieved.”

– Claire

“Compared to before I started, it’s like night and day.”

“My memory and mental clarity have improved, and my focus is amazing. I’ve finally got things done that I have been talking about for years…”

– Curtis

“I feel like a new man.”


“I’m more organised in my business and feeling so much more productive as I now get mornings, evenings and whole chunks of the day back, hangover and lethargy-free.”

– Matt


Interesting Fact:

While our members have a 95% success rate and enjoy all of the benefits you just read about… most alcohol-free programmes do NOT have this same success rate.

In fact, their success rates can be shockingly low.

For instance, did you know that peer-reviewed studies show the success rate of those well-known 12-step programmes is only somewhere between 5–10%?!

Why so low?

Because like most programmes, they only focus on NOT drinking. They make alcohol the enemy.

They also don’t take into account how much or how little you currently drink, or whether you want to quit drinking forever or just drink less.

As a result, such programmes don’t help you navigate cravings, rough days, or awkward social situations.

Understandably, most people end up giving in, and even worse, they punish themselves for it.

But the truth is, it’s never the drink.

Alcohol is only ever a ‘symptom’ of negative behaviour patterns, not the source of the problem itself.

Which is why making alcohol the enemy only makes things worse, since those negative behaviour patterns will just find a way to manifest as something else, and eventually alcohol will come back into the mix.


Interesting Fact:

While our members have a 95% success rate and enjoy all of the benefits you just read about… most alcohol-free programmes do NOT have this same success rate.

In fact, their success rates can be shockingly low.

For instance, did you know that peer-reviewed studies show the success rate of those well-known 12-step programmes is only somewhere between 5–10%?!

Why so low?

Because like most programmes, they only focus on NOT drinking. They make alcohol the enemy.

They also don’t take into account how much or how little you currently drink, or whether you want to quit drinking forever or just drink less.

As a result, such programmes don’t help you navigate cravings, rough days, or awkward social situations.

Understandably, most people end up giving in, and even worse, they punish themselves for it.

But the truth is, it’s never the drink.

Alcohol is only ever a ‘symptom’ of negative behaviour patterns, not the source of the problem itself.

Which is why making alcohol the enemy only makes things worse, since those negative behaviour patterns will just find a way to manifest as something else, and eventually alcohol will come back into the mix.


OYNB isn’t just about ‘going dry’

It’s a proven programme rooted in behaviour science.

Look, we’ve been socially conditioned to accept alcohol as a perfectly normal part of life.

We use it to celebrate, mourn, unwind, socialise, close business deals and more.

Those years and years of social conditioning are deeply imprinted on our minds, which means going alcohol-free can feel strange — you’re going against the norm!

You’re pushing back against social expectations, peer pressure, and your own self-doubt… 

One stressful day or awkward social interaction is all it takes to send most people back to alcohol.

You put yourself in full control over alcohol, not the other way round. Irritating cravings and distracting feelings become a thing of the past, and the positive, empowering momentum of an alcohol-free life begins to gather, directly impacting all areas of life.

Which is why we created OYNB Challenge Plus

To help you navigate and even enjoy your alcohol-free challenge, so that it’s a positive and successful experience for you.

Rather than focusing on the negatives or making alcohol the enemy, OYNB focuses on the positives: the habit-change process

We give you the right tools, strategies, and mindset to have complete control over alcohol. Control that will last way past beyond any fixed 30 or 90 day challenge.

So instead of ‘going dry and winging it’, you get a proven and detailed programme to follow that takes you, day by day, through a process of mental rewiring.

By doing this, not only do you go alcohol-free, but you also completely cut the ties or holds alcohol has on you. 

You put yourself in full control over alcohol, not the other way round. Irritating cravings and distracting feelings become a thing of the past, and the positive, empowering momentum of an alcohol-free life begins to gather, directly impacting all areas of life.

Here’s What You Get With Challenge Plus:

A New Set of Habits, Thanks to Our Revolutionary, Step-by-Step System

Build new, healthy habits that stick and let go of the old ones simply by following our world-renowned alcohol-free programme, built up of daily lessons and videos, plus small group coaching, all focused on positive lifestyle behaviour change.

Tools to Help You Navigate Real-Life Situations

Never get caught out or stuck again. Daily motivational support videos and an exclusive members’ area full of content no matter what you need, all there to give you answers and clarity on-demand.

Daily Support and Accountability

We’re going to be there for you, every day of the challenge. That’s why you have access to daily, small group coaching sessions (online), led by fully accredited and experienced life coaches. Use them whenever you need them.

Even Greater Odds of Success, Thanks to Your New OYNB Community

You don’t have to do this alone! Meet, support and share with the awesome OYNB community, made up of like-minded people from across the globe all on the same, life-changing journey. Make friends, get advice or just offer support — it’s all there. (The OYNB Community is now available on both Facebook and Slack, and is completely private — only members can join,interact and see what you post.)

Support in Fitness, Diet and Exercise

You didn’t think this challenge was only about not drinking, did you? When you join Challenge Plus, you’ll also get helpful content around fitness, diet, and exercise. Discover the little changes you can make that — when combined with going alcohol-free — will snowball into huge positive changes in your body and mind.

Challenge Plus is the fun, positive, inspirational alcohol-free challenge where you’re part of a supported community taking the journey together.

Whether you decide to announce your challenge or keep it to yourself, we’ll give you all the strategies and tools you need to get back out into society… and stay alcohol-free.

Get all of this and more when you join Challenge Plus for just £48.50 per month!

Membership comes down to just £1.59 a day, and it’s there for as long as you need it (cancel anytime).

Or think about it like this — it’s a month of expert alcohol-free support for less than the average night out!

Start your 7-day free trial today and see it for yourself:

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We know our programme works and we stand by it.

That’s why when you sign up today, there’s nothing to pay.

Yes — your investment in yourself to go alcohol-free is 100% risk-free and won’t cost you a penny until you see it for yourself.

Simply join Challenge Plus for 7 days and only pay and stay if YOU think it’s worth it.

That’s how confident we are in what we do: we open the doors to everyone who wants to take action and let them prove it to themselves!


Don’t Just Take It From Us, Here’s What Our Members Say…


“What have you got to lose — more hangovers?” – Leigh



“The best money I have ever spent!” – Scot



“Hands down the BEST decision I ever made!” – Sara


“What have you got to lose — more hangovers?” – Leigh


“The best money I have ever spent!” – Scot



“Hands down the BEST decision I ever made!” – Sara


The Benefits Are Priceless

Rather than just delete alcohol from your life, we’ll help you break down and rebuild new habits and develop a rock-solid mindset that gives you complete, lasting control over alcohol. A power that money can’t buy.

Become the Best Version of Yourself

Save Money and Look Better Than Ever

Reduce Anxiety and Become Much Happier

Improve Your Sleep and Productivity

Frequently Asked Questions About Challenge Plus

It sounds great, but can’t I just do it on my own?

Here’s the thing:

It’s not about just giving up the actual alcohol, it’s about undoing the years of social conditioning. 

Our programme is based on scientifically proven habit change.

While some people do manage to go alcohol-free on their own, it’s rare. The same way some people manage to develop a six-pack — occasionally someone manages it alone, but much more often it’s achieved with the support of a trainer, gym buddies, and other people too. It’s the same with going alcohol-free. And that’s because it requires specific support in areas that are outside the realm of just ‘alcohol’.

What makes OYNB special?

Our challenges are designed to help people change their relationship with alcohol by shifting mindsets, at the heart of which is understanding that you do NOT need alcohol to function and have a good time. 


We guide you in creating new and lasting healthy habits via a completely different approach to most. It’s all about positivity, uplifting your mindset, and very specific, scientifically-backed behaviour change activities.


The end result being, you no longer ‘need’ alcohol, and it’s your choice if you ever want to drink it again.

You say OYNB has a 95% success rate — how can you prove that?

In June 2016 we conducted a survey with the help of Stirling University in Scotland where they polled our 90-day Challengers, and since then we continue to collect responses to the survey to ensure our data is always reflective of the current membership.


An overwhelming 95% of respondents said that they had changed their relationship with alcohol regardless of whether they achieved 90 days or not, and an amazing 77% decided to stay alcohol-free once they reached 90 days.

But what if I don’t want to quit forever?

Who said you had to?

Drinking alcohol is a personal choice, and it’s completely fine if you don’t want to go teetotal for life (while many members do). 

However, being able to press pause and regain control is crucial to having a better relationship with alcohol for the future, and that’s what we’re all about.

I’m not comfortable with others knowing that I’m going alcohol-free…

Don’t worry, this is a completely normal feeling and we have plenty of experience with this.

While there are many ways to get around the social awkwardness of not drinking, what we’ve found over the years is that many people are in fact supportive of their friends and loved ones going alcohol-free. 

The idea of ‘taking a challenge’ especially one that’s designed to improve your health, wealth and relationships — is actually inspirational.

(You might even find they want to join in too!)

However, if you don’t want people to know, then rest assured that the OYNB community is an exclusive, closed group — the only people inside are on the journey themselves. You can access the community via Facebook, but if you’d prefer not to use a social media platform to engage, then you can use Slack (a free app that’s very similar to a forum). We show you how to do this, so don’t worry if it sounds confusing!

As for awkward social situations, there are a few strategies you can use. Members have even come up with plenty of interesting and unique methods over the years, which you’ll find out about when you join.

It looks great, but seems a bit expensive…

Let’s be honest: How much do you currently spend on alcohol? 

The average night out in the UK is over £60! And that’s just one night!

At £48.50 per month, Challenge Plus comes down to just £1.59 a day, and it’s there for as long as you need it (you can cancel anytime you like).

While a night out lasts just one night (if you don’t count the hangover!), Challenge Plus gives you the tools to last a lifetime.

What happens if I slip up and drink alcohol?

Here’s where we’re different — alcohol is NOT the enemy! 

‘Giving in’ to a drink does not mean it’s all over

It’s just part of the alcohol-free journey. 

We work on positive behaviour change, which takes time. But by following this programme, you’ll reach a stage where you can CHOOSE whether you want to drink or not, which is a world of difference from “slipping up”.

Maybe you’ll decide that alcohol isn’t for you, and never drink again.

Or perhaps you’ll introduce drinking in a controlled way, which fits in with your lifestyle.

The point is, this journey is transformative.

I don’t live in the UK — can I still join?

YES! OYNB is a worldwide community and we have members from all over the globe. 

Challenge Plus is available to all and can be followed wherever you are. 

(Bear in mind that for now, Challenge Plus is only available in English.)

Will I be charged during the 7-day free trial?

No, absolutely not. 

When you sign up you’ll enter your details, but your card will only be charged once you have completed seven days in the programme. If you want to end your membership before that, you can simply cancel by emailing [email protected] and your card will not be charged.

How and when can I cancel my membership?

Simple — it’s up to you.

Whenever you feel like you no longer need Challenge Plus, just email our friendly customer experience team at [email protected]. They’ll make sure your membership doesn’t roll over after the next billing date,  and you won’t be charged again the next month. You’ll still have access to all your membership benefits for the rest of that billing cycle though.

You can also rejoin whenever you like; there’s no charge for cancelling or rejoining.

Finally Transform Your Relationship With Alcohol

Take The First Steps Now

Become the healthiest, happiest and most fulfilled version of yourself just by making one change.
Do it today.

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